Hanging Vegetables

India is the second largest vegetable producer in the world, with almost 2.8 % of the total cropped area under vegetables. 

Farmers Face

Seed Germination

Poor germination and poor early stage seedling growth encourage weed infestation

Soil Compaction

Soil compaction & poor drainage result in soil- borne disease and other pest attacks

Poor Yields

Biotic & abiotic stresses during flowering & fruiting reduce yields

Our Solution


Helps decompose crop residues to increase organic matter in soil

  • Decomposition of crop residues builds up soil carbon thereby improving the soil C:N ratio and increasing soil fertility
  • Increase in humus formation improves soil moisture content
  • Increase in soil porosity allows better air and water infiltration: reduces compaction, softens soil

Previous crop residue decomposition

Enables uniform germination for vigorous early growth

  • Improves germination
  • Better sprouting & early plant growth
  • Better protection against soil-borne disease

After Sowing
upto 30 days

A vegetative growth promoter which is readily bio-available for immediate plant uptake

  • Increases stem elongation & plant canopy
  • Improves photo-synthesis, increases plant sugars
  • Promotes branch development and leaf canopy growth

Vegetative Growth
30th-45th day

Repels insects and pests that come to feed on the plant

  • Repels pests & reduces disease
  • Activates & increases plant’s self-defence capabilities
  • Improves plant vigour and growth, increases stress resistance

2 days before full moon & 2 days before no moon

Boosts plant growth and structure while increasing microbial life and soil fertility 

  • Improves plant structure
  • Increases plant vitality
  • Increases number of flowers

Budding / Pre-flowering
50th-70th day

Helps trigger an early and profuse flowering

  • Improves flower setting
  • Promotes uniform flower-set pod-setting
  • Improves flower-to-fruit ratio

At Flowering
75th-90th day

Improves the yield by increasing

  • Reduces flower drop
  • Increases photo-synthesis
  • Further improves flower-to-fruit ratio

At Flower-Drop

Accelerates fruit maturation to early harvest fetching higher market prices

  • Improves fruit ripening & maturation
  • Increases fruit size and weight
  • Improves fruit colour & shine

Fruit Ripening / Maturation
100th-120th Day

Interested in the package? For more information...

The Essence of Growth

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