
Natural Bio-Repellent

Bio-Protect is a concentrated active bio-repellent. It is a powerful blend of natural selected enzymes which have effective anti-feedant, repellent, ovi-position inhibitive and pest growth disruptive properties. The entire formulation of natural enzyme compounds works as a pest repellent and is readily bio-available for immediate uptake into the plant system.

Objective of Using

  • To prevent insects and pests from attacking
    the plant
  • To restrict insect population multiplication
  • To stimulate and enhance the plant’s natural immune system

Effect on the Plants

Bio-Protect acts to repel insects and pests that come to feed on the plant. It discourages pest and insect multiplication.

Mode of Action

Bio-Protect is most effective when used as a preventive or prophylactic agent to control sucking, scraping and chewing insects. Bio-Protect is catalysed with a unique proprietary enzymatic activator, to activate photosynthesis for enhanced absorption, thereby stimulating the plant’s health and native self-defence system.

Typical Product Composition

  • Enzyme Chitinase = 10%
  • Enzyme Catalase = 5%
  • Carrier solution mineral water


Bio-Protect is tank mix compatible with soluble fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides and absorbent gels. As with all chemicals read all labels for compatibility verification and if practical, test on a small area prior to extensive use with other chemicals. DO NOT MIX OR APPLY WITH ALUMINIUM BASED FUNGICIDES.

General Direction of Use

Bio-Protect is formulated for soil or foliar application. It is designed to supplement all fertiliser programs, and can be applied through injection and drip irrigation, fertigation or sprayer system. Minimum dilution is 1:100 in water but maximum dilution is not critical. Shake well or agitate before use. Do not allow product to remain in tank overnight. For presowing treatment, soil application or seedling root dip method can be adopted. If crops are already infected, add half the dosage of recommended insecticides or pesticides to Bio-Protect to get effective control. Bio-Protect is non-toxic, bio-degradable, and eco-friendly.

Minimum Dilution: 1 : 100 in Water (1:200)


Information contained in this brochure is given in good faith based on our experience and trials. As no control can be exercised over storage, handling, mixing, application or use, or weather, plant or soil conditions before, during or after application (all of which may affect the performance of our program), no responsibility for, or liability for any failure in performance, losses, damages, or injuries (consequential or otherwise), arising from such storage, mixing, application, or use will be accepted under any circumstances whatsoever. Prantik International Pvt. Ltd. and its associate firms cannot assume any liability expressed or implied. It is the user’s responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitableness and completeness of such information for his own particular use, under local conditions. The buyer assumes all responsibility for the use of any Prantik products.

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