
Domesticated over 5000 years ago, there are about 100 species of edible carrots today. 

Farmers Face

Seed Quality

Poor seed quality results in poor germination and makes the crop susceptible to soil borne disease in the early stages

Pest Infestation

Weak early plant growth encourages pests and disease and reduces yields

Water Stress

High temperatures or drought stress at critical growth points harms growth and adversely impacts yields

Our Solution


Helps decompose crop residues to increase organic matter in soil

  • Decomposition of crop residues builds up soil carbon thereby improving the soil C:N ratio and increasing soil fertility
  • Increase in humus formation improves soil moisture content
  • Increase in soil porosity allows better air and water infiltration: reduces compaction, softens soil

Previous crop residue decomposition

Enables uniform germination for vigorous early growth

  • Improves germination
  • Better sprouting & early plant growth
  • Better protection against soil-borne disease

After Sowing
upto 10 days

Improves plant health and systemic resistance

  • Stimulates the plant’s own defence & immune system to soil borne disease
  • Increases the thickness of root cell walls
  • Improves recovery from abiotic stress: stabilises crop growth

Root Development
7th-10th Day

A vegetative growth promoter which is readily bio-available for immediate plant uptake

  • Increases stem elongation & leaf growth
  • Improves photo-synthesis, increases plant sugars
  • Promotes shoot development and leaf cover & canopy

Vegetable Growth
25th-40th day

Repels insects and pests that come to feed on the plant

  • Repels pests & reduces disease
  • Activates & increases plant’s self-defence capabilities
  • Improves plant vigour and growth, increases stress resistance

2 days before full moon & 2 days before no moon

Helps trigger an early and profuse flowering

  • Improves flower-set
  • Increases photo-synthesis
  • Increases plant energy

At Flowering
40th-60th day

Boosts plant growth and structure while increasing microbial life and soil fertility 

  • Strengthens plant structure
  • Increases plant vitality
  • Improves tuber formation

Tuber Formation
60th-90th day

Reinforces tuber cell walls, leading to better quality and longer shelf life

  • Promotes ripening and maturation of tubers
  • Increases translocation of nutrients to increase tuber weight
  • Improves stress resistance & keeping quality post harvest

Tuber maturation
90th-120th day

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The Essence of Growth

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