Leafy Vegetables

Universally known as Nature’s best nutrition supplements, these are easy to grow and are a fast moving produce in all markets.

Farmers Face

Seed Germination

Poor germination allows weeds to grow and compete for nutrients

Pest Infestation

The plants are vulnerable and susceptible to a range of pests

Safe Produce

As greens are often consumed raw as in salads, it is essential to ensure chemical residue-free produce

Our Solution


Helps decompose crop residues to increase organic matter in soil

  • Decomposition of crop residues builds up soil carbon thereby improving
  • Increase in humus formation improves soil moisture content
  • Increase in soil porosity allows better air and water infiltration: reduces compaction, softens soil

Previous crop residue decomposition

Enables uniform germination for vigorous early growth

  • Better germination
  • Early seedling establishment
  • Uniform growth / resistance to soil borne disease

After sowing
upto 15 days

Boosts plant growth and structure while increasing microbial life and soil fertility 

  • Stronger plant structure
  • More shoots & branches
  • Robust crop health

3rd week

Repels insects and pests that come to feed on the plant

  • Repels pests & reduces disease
  • Activates & increases plant’s self-defence capabilities
  • Improves plant vigour and growth, increases stress resistance

2 days before full moon & 2 days before no moon

A vegetative growth promoter which is readily bio-available for immediate plant uptake

  • Increases leaf growth & strength
  • Improves photo-synthesis, increases plant sugars
  • Increases leaf size and weight

Vegetative Growth
30th-40th day

A vegetative growth promoter which is readily bio-available for immediate plant uptake

  • Increases leaf growth & strength
  • Improves photo-synthesis, increases plant sugars
  • Increases leaf size and weight

Repeat dosage
45th-60th day

Interested in the package? For more information...

The Essence of Growth

Icons from www.flaticon.com

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