
This cereal grain was first grown in ancient Central America, but is now the third largest cereal crop in the world. Unfortunately, only a little portion of the maize is eaten by humans.

Farmers Face

Water Stress

Being mostly rain-fed, Maize cropsoften experience drought at critical growth stages. Poor soil moisture retention compounds this issue.

Flower & Grain Setting

Biotic and abiotic stresses result in poor flower setting and grain formation as well as lodging, all leading to unstable production yields

Few Inputs

Very few crop specific inputs are available for the farmer

Our Solution


Helps decompose crop residues to increase organic matter in soil

  • Decomposition of crop residues builds up soil carbon thereby improving soil fertility
  • Increase in humus formation improves soil moisture content
  • Increase in soil porosity allows better air and water infiltration: reduces compaction, softens soil

Decomposition of PRevious crop Residues

Enables uniform germination for vigorous early growth

  • Improves germination & emergence
  • Better early seedling growth
  • Better protection against soil-borne disease

After Sowing
UPto 30days

Boosts plant growth and structure while increasing microbial life and soil fertility 

  • Stronger plant structure
  • More tillering
  • Robust crop health

At Cob & Tassel Initiation
20th-35th day

A vegetative growth promoter which is readily bio-available for immediate plant uptake

  • Increases shooting, branching and canopy growth
  • Improves photo-synthesis, increases plant energy
  • Increases number of productive nodes

Vegetative Growth
35th-50th Day

Helps trigger an early and profuse flowering

  • Improves flower-to-kernel setting
  • Improves kernel development
  • Improves flower-to-kernel ratio

At Flowering
50th-70th day

Accelerates fruit maturation to early harvest fetching higher market prices

  • Improves grain filling & ripening
  • Increases grain size and weight
  • Improves grain colour & shine

At Cob Ripening / Maturation
85th-100th day

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The Essence of Growth

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