Typical Effect of SANJIBAN Root Zone - XP on Soil Micro-Organisms

Biological activity is the life of the soil. Microorganisms are like an army of workers in the soil, feeding the plant, protecting it from disease and maintaining the health and structure of the soil. The ability of soil to support and sustain plant life is in direct proportion to the abundance and vigour of micro-organisms.

Over 150 years ago, Justus von Liebig, known as the architect of chemical fertilisers, discovered that plant productivity increased when chemical compounds of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium were added to the soil. The original intent of chemical fertilizers was only to supplement the soil’s basic matter.

Biology in the soil…. Since the advent of high-output farming in the 1950’s, the importance of organic matter and soil health have been overlooked by many agriculturists. As a result, millions of acres of farmlands are dangerously low in organic matter and microbial activity. Farmers are discovering that no matter how much chemical fertiliser is applied, the soil is not capable of increased production. The reason is simple: the biological life in the soil has become exhausted by intense production, over-application of chemicals and by compaction.

Independent laboratory tests show the effect of Soil Activator on microbial activity in the soil. In this test, activity was increased by over 2000% after just 14 days. This natural stimulation of the microorganisms has a noted effect on soil structure and balance, and chemicals degradation.

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2000% increase…

A SANJIBAN Root Zone-XP Soil Bio-Activator program will address the need for increased biological activity. In replicated tests a Soil Bio-Activator application increased biological activity by over 2000% in just two weeks. That’s like driving a car at 10 miles per hour, then suddenly shifting to 20,000 miles per hour!

It is important to note that microbial “food makers” must first digest the nutrients available from chemical or organic sources, to convert them into usable energy for the plant, before the plant can absorb and utilise the nutrients.

100% compatible...

The SANJIBAN Root Zone-XP Soil Bio-Activator program is compatible with nearly every crop management practice. It entails the use of biological stimulators to strengthen existing soil microbes while causing them to become more efficient and productive. Root Zone-XP Soil Bio-Activator is like a health food drink for microbes. It supplies them with energy to perform their immense tasks. Root Zone-XP is not a bacterium, not a living organism. It is a highly-developed biochemical stimulator of bacterial respiratory processes. These processes make for the most efficient organic transformation.

Nature’s soil managers… SANJIBAN Natural Extracts increase the performance and the quantity of microbes that convert nutrients into food for the plant. It loosens and mellows compacted soils. And it allows more water and oxygen to penetrate the soil. Microbes are “nature’s soil managers”. Without an adequate level of microbes in the soil, disease and weeds can overtake otherwise healthy fields. Compaction and erosion will occur. Eventually the soil will lose its ability to support useful plant life, no matter how much fertilizer or organic matter is applied.

As microorganisms digest plant residues, they secrete polysaccharides. These compounds have the unique ability to both bind and release soil particles in order to maintain the proper soil structure. Polysaccharides help make soil more stable, better “balanced” – preventing soil particles from compacting and helping to reduce soil erosion.


Reducing compaction…. Today’s high-production farming practices can rapidly deplete the soil of essential biological activity. A most noticeable result is soil compaction, a problem common to most farmers. When the soil is compacted, water, oxygen and nutrient intake into the soil is reduced. The soil “freezes-up” and normal plant production is greatly inhibited.

Solving a compaction problem does not necessarily include fewer chemicals, fewer trips over the field or less frequent growing cycles. While those techniques may be helpful, they’re not always practical or economical.

A major factor in building and revitalising the soil is the increase in the population and activity of microbes.

A SANJIBAN program will help reduce compaction, make nutrients more available to the soil, reduce alkalinity, increase water retention and help ward off weeds and plant diseases.

SANJIBAN is not a substitute for good management practices (and it definitely can not control the weather!), but it will result in a healthier soil for growing more productive plants.

The Essence of Growth

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