
This cereal grain, a staple fare, is grown on more land than any other food crop. Its world trade exceeds that of all crops combined.

Farmers Face

Seed Germination

Low emergence rates result in increased weed infestation, leading to increased use of herbicides that contaminate soil

Soil Water Retention

 Impacted by drastic weather changes, low organic matter and humus content in soil result in poor moisture retention and abiotic stress

Declining Soil Fertility

Declining soil fertility results in weaker plant health making the crop more susceptible to pests and disease and poor yields

Our Solution


Helps decompose crop residues to increase organic matter in soil

  • Decomposition of crop residues builds up soil carbon thereby improving soil fertility
  • Increase in humus formation improves soil moisture content
  • Increase in soil porosity allows better air and water infiltration: reduces compaction, softens soil

Decomposition of previous crop residues

Enables uniform germination for vigorous early growth

  • Improves germination & emergence
  • Better early seedling growth
  • Establishes early crop health

After Sowing
upto 40th day

Accelerates fruit maturation to early harvest fetching higher market prices

  • Increases stem elongation & plant canopy
  • Improves photo-synthesis
  • Increases chlorophyll & plant sugars

Vegetative Growth - 50th-100th Day

Boosts plant growth and structure while increasing microbial life and soil fertility 

  • Improves plant structure
  • Increases plant vitality
  • Increases tillering

Stem Extension
100th -140th Day

Helps trigger an early and profuse flowering

  • Improves booting
  • Improves head formation
  • Improves flower-to-grain ratio

At Heading
140th-165th day

Accelerates fruit maturation to early harvest fetching higher market prices

  • Improves grain-fill & ripening
  • Increases grain size and weight
  • Improves grain colour & shine

At Ripening
165th-180th day

Interested in the package? For more information...

The Essence of Growth

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